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Wolfgang Hohenforst-Schmidt
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Sana Klinikum Hof aff. University of Erlangen, Germany
Wolfgang Hohenforst-Schmidt is a broad interventionist as he owns the German national board certifications in (Interventional) Pulmonology  and Interventional Cardiology beside others. As Interventional Pulmonologist he has been trained by the the former S3 guideline leader in lung cancer management Prof. Gerd Goeckenjan. He is nowadays lead consultant cardiology and section leader interventional pulmonology. He studies areas of CBCT navigation and local ablative therapies. He is part of the national guideline committee on Pulmonary Hypertension in Germany. So far he has contributed to more than 110 peer-reviewed publications. He serves as editorial board member in several journals.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2020-11-21 08:30-08:55 2020-11-21,08:30-08:55Room No. 2

Peripheral Pulmonary Nodules and Guided Navigation Biopsy

Speaker Robotic Bronchoscopy and PPN
2020-11-21 15:00-15:15 2020-11-21,15:00-15:15Main Venue

Siemens Healthineers Symposium

Speaker "No Future for Sticking to the Past: Affordable Realtime 3D-imaging is Key for the Future of Interventional Pulmonology!"