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Jitsuo Usuda
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Nippon Medical School, Japan

Jitsuo Usuda, MD, PhD, is a professor of Thoracic Surgery at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, Japan.  For over 25 years, he has worked in thoracic surgery and interventional pulmonology.  Especially, he and his team have made significant progress in establishing photodymanic therapy for lung cancer with Professor Kato of Tokyo Medical University.

He is a principal investigator on one ongoing prospective trial examining photodynamic therapy for peripheral-type lung cancer using a new laser probe.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2020-11-20 15:30-15:55 2020-11-20,15:30-15:55Room No. 9

PDT for Lung Cancer: Benefit and Complication

Speaker PDT for Peripheral Lung Cancer