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Marioara Simon
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Pulmonology Clinic, Romania

FCCP, MD, PhD pulmonologist, bronchologist and allergologist, Head of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Department, University Hospital Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from 1994.

My area of interest included all fields of Bronchology, but the main focus was interventional pulmonology.

I was president of the Romanian Bronchology Section of the Romanian Pulmonology Society  for 6 years and I am on Board of WABIP as regent and president of COI committee since 2015, on Board of EABIP as delegate from Romania since 2015 and membership director. I have a strong interest in the diagnosis and endoscopic therapy of lung cancer. I have participated in EABIP, ERS and WABIP congresses with oral presentations and posters and I have organized and participated in many bronchological workshops and conferences. I also organized three national bronchology conferences and  WABIP Train the trainer program in Bronchoscopy international project.I have published books as author and co-author (Chronic interstitial fibrotic pneumopathies, Bronchoscopist’s guide, Practic assessement notebook in tuberculosis, Diagnostic methods in pleuro-pulmonar pathology, Actualities in diagnostic and therapeutic thoracic endoscopy) and more than 130 scientific articles and oral presentations, the majority in the diagnostic bronchoscopy and interventional pulmonology field.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2020-11-20 13:30-13:55 2020-11-20,13:30-13:55Room No. 9

Optimizing Diagnosis and Management of Tracheal Stenosis

Speaker Benign Tracheal Stenosis- Diagnosis and Interventional Management
2020-11-21 10:30-10:55 2020-11-21,10:30-10:55Room No. 8

Challenges in Solving Major Airway Obstruction- Eastern and Central European Experience

Speaker Hot and Cold Combination(s) in Treatment of Central Airway Obstruction
2020-11-21 10:30-12:00 2020-11-21,10:30-12:00Room No. 8

Challenges in Solving Major Airway Obstruction- Eastern and Central European Experience
