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Calvin Sze Hang Ng
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Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China

Dr Ng is Professor in Thoracic Surgery at Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Consultant Surgeon at New Territory East Cluster (NTEC) hospitals in Hong Kong. He graduated from Imperial College, London in 1999 with BSc (1st Class Honours and 1st in his class), and MBBS (Honours, Distinction in Surgery, Anthony de Rothschild Medal 1st in surgery). He was awarded FRCSEd(CTh) in 2007, and subsequently Doctorate of Medicine in Research (MD(Res)) from University of London for his work on ventilator induced and IR lung injury.

Dr Ng is a pioneer in Single Port (Uniportal) VATS in the Asia-Pacific region, performing the first single port VATS lobectomy in Hong Kong in 2012. His interest in hybrid operating room (HOR) image-guided surgery led to world's first publications of HOR use in single port VATS major lung resection in 2015, and image-guided electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (iENB) in 2016. In March 2019, his HOR-iENB team performed Asia-Pacific's first HOR non-invasive bronchoscopic microwave ablation for treatment of lung cancer. He is a Co-PI of NAVABLATE, the international study on bronchoscopic microwave ablation for treatment of lung cancer.

His academic contributions include 24 book chapters (including in Pearson's Thoracic & Esophageal Surgery 3rd & 4th Eds, Shield's Thoracic Surgery 8th Eds), and more than 230 publications in indexed international journals (Citations 3020; H-index 28; ResearcherID; Oct-2020). Dr Ng is the corresponding Editor of the book Atlas of Uniportal Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery (Springer Science), the standard text for uniportal VATS surgeons, and Associate Editor of the book Lung Cancer.

Dr Ng supervises a team of postgraduate students to study molecular biology of lung cancer and therapeutic role of ablation for lung diseases. He closely collaborates with Departments of Clinical Oncology (led by Prof Tony Mok), Anatomical Cellular Pathology and Biomechanical Engineering, through several competitive grants to study targeted therapies in lung cancer, magnetic actuated surgical endoscopes, organoids and nanoparticles in cancer therapy.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2020-11-20 13:55-14:20 2020-11-20,13:55-14:20Room No. 1

Bronchoscopic Treatment of Peripheral Lung Cancer (1)

Speaker Microwave Ablation
2020-11-21 18:30-18:50 2020-11-21,18:30-18:50Room No. 1

Evolving Transbronchial and Transthoracic Therapies for the Treatment of Lung Cancer

Speaker Transbronchial Microwave Ablation: Asian Experience