Speaker Intro
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Speaker Intro
Plenary Speakers

Personalized Nutrition for Better Health: Targeting the Human Gut Microbiome

Jim Kaput, PhD Chief Scientific Officer and Cofounder
Vydiant Inc
Sacramento, California, USA

Diet, Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention and Control in China

Wenhua Zhao, PhD WHO/UNICEF Technical expert advisory group on nutrition monitoring, China

Ageing,Chronic Disease and Senolytics:the Path to Translation

Tamar Tchkonia, PhD Mayo Clinic, USA

Joint plenary of ISRNM and European Renal Association "The Role of SGLT2 Inhibitors Beyond Diabetic Kidney Disease"

Christoph Wanner, MD Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of Nephrology at the University Hospital of Wurzburg, Germany
President of European Renal Association

Food as Medicine-Implications for Research, Guidelines and Policy

Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, PhD Dean, and Jean Mayer Professor at the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, and Professor of Medicine at Tufts School of Medicine, USA.

Rethinking Salt and Water Metabolism

Jens Marc Titze, MD, PhD Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School, Singapore

Gut Microbiota -Master Regulators of Host Metabolism

Liping Zhao, PhD Eveleigh-Fenton Chair of Applied Microbiology
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers University, USA