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Welcome Message

The 24th Congress of Gastroenterology China CGC2024, a scientific meeting hosted by Chinese Medical Association and Chinese Society of Gastroenterology will take place on September 19-21 in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China.
The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) is a non-profit national academic organization in China. It is an important social force in the development of medical science and technology and a linkage between the government and the medical professionals. Established in 1915, the CMA now has 89 specialty societies and about 700,000 members in China. Chinese Society of Gastroenterology (CSG) was officially established in 1980. It is one of the 89 specialty societies of CMA.The committee is the governing office of CSG. It has 70 official members and 25 of them are standing members.  The Congress of Gastroenterology China (CGC) is the official congress of CSG.

As the grandest and comprehensive scientific event of digestive diseases in China, the meeting has attracted around 5000 delegates, over 300 speakers and moderators worldwide. Topics will cover esophageal diseases, H.Pylori infection and related disorders, IBD, liver diseases, funtional and motility disorders, interventional therapy in GI, integrated medicine, GI microbiota, geriatric GI Disease, pediatric GI disease, biomedical specimen bank in GI, enteral nutrition, miliary gastroenterology, dialogue of internal medicine and surgery, TCM in GI, GI pathology, psychosomatic disorders in GI etc.

As the international elements of the congress, speakers from WGO, WEO, APAGE, APDWF, SGE, UEG and so on will present their great lectures during the 24th CGC. In addition to the plenary sessions and over 20 thematic symposiums, there will also be industry sponsored satellite symposiums and exhibitions on the show.

To facilitate the continued education of the Chinese Society of Gastroenterology, presentations from the congress can be freely accessed via the official website of CSG at

Here we acknowledge the contributions to the congress from all faculties, distinguished societies’ leaders, industrial exhibitors and all attendees.

On behalf of the Congress Organizing and Scientific Committees, I would like to invite all of you to gather in Shenyang to exchange views on the latest updates in digestive science and technology. I hope and believe you will benefit from this scientific and fruitful meeting.

Looking forward to having you at CGC 2024 in Shenyang.

Sincerely yours,

Chengwei Tang

Chairman of the 24th CGC

President of Chinese Society of Gastroenterology

Conference Date

September 19 - 21, 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline

July 31, 2024

Pre-registration Deadline

August 15, 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptanc

August 15, 2024

Contact us

IT Support Exhibitor Registration Hotel Booking 
Contact: Li Sicheng/ Gu Chunling Contact: Yang Fan Contact: Hou Ping/ Shao Yan/ Zhen Cuiping
Tel: 13311646484/ 15837132742 Tel: 13911130172 Tel: 13520308802/ 15110093033/ 13501080160 
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