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All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2022-09-16 [Friday]
  • 2022-09-17 [Saturday]
  • 2022-09-18 [Sunday]
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  • Meeting Room 3

2022-09-17 Saturday

Meeting Room 3 (UTC+8) 2022-09-17 Local Time

10:00-11:30 (UTC+8) 10:00-11:30 Local Time | Concurrent Session 3 - Hepatic Encephalopathy [Concurrent Session]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20

Brain complications in critical care in cirrhosis

Jasmohan BAJAJ Virginia Commonwealth University and McGuire VA Medical Center
10:20-10:40 10:20-10:40

A Quick and Early Diagnostic Model for Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in ESLD

Tao CHEN Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
10:40-11:00 10:40-11:00

Hepatic encephalopathy: Japanese Guideline 2020 and role of microbiome

Hitoshi YOSHIJI Nara Medical University, Kashihara
11:00-11:20 11:00-11:20

Neurodegeneration in liver disease

Christopher ROSE CRCHUM, Université de Montréal
11:20-11:30 11:20-11:30

Panel Discussion

11:30-11:45 (UTC+8) 11:30-11:45 Local Time | Break
13:45-15:15 (UTC+8) 13:45-15:15 Local Time | Concurrent Session 6 - AKI and HRS [Concurrent Session]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
13:45-14:05 13:45-14:05


Florence WONG University of Toronto
14:05-14:25 14:05-14:25

Hepatorenal syndrome

W. Ray KIM Stanford University School of Medicine
14:25-14:45 14:25-14:45

Diagnosis and Management of AKI-HRS

Paolo ANGELI University of Padova
14:45-15:05 14:45-15:05

Optimal use of terlipressin in the treatment of hepatorenal syndrome

Arun J. SANYAL Virginia Commonwealth University Health System
15:05-15:15 15:05-15:15

Panel Discussion

15:15-15:30 (UTC+8) 15:15-15:30 Local Time | Break
17:00-18:30 (UTC+8) 17:00-18:30 Local Time | Concurrent Session 9 - Coagulopathy [Concurrent Session]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
17:00-17:20 17:00-17:20

Treating hypo and hyper coagulation the current advances

Ashok CHOUDHURY Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
17:20-17:40 17:20-17:40

Hematological issues in liver disease

Tawesak Tanwandee Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
17:40-18:00 17:40-18:00

Coagulopathy in severe viral infection

Xiaojing WANG Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
18:00-18:20 18:00-18:20

Management of portal vein thrombosis

Juan Carlos GARCIA-PAGAN University of Barcelona, Barcelona Hepatic Hemodynamic Lab.
18:20-18:30 18:20-18:30

Panel Discussion