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  • 2022-09-16 [Friday]
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  • 2022-09-18 [Sunday]
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2022-09-18 Sunday

Meeting Room 3 (UTC+8) 2022-09-18 Local Time

10:00-11:30 (UTC+8) 10:00-11:30 Local Time | Concurrent Session 12 - Management of ACLF [Concurrent Session]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20

Acute HBV related liver failure

Raymond T. CHUNG Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
10:20-10:40 10:20-10:40

Role of nutrition in critical care

Diana A. Payawal Fatima University Medical Center, Manila
10:40-11:00 10:40-11:00

Diagnosis and treatment of end-stage liver disease combined with severe infection

Tao CHEN Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
11:00-11:20 11:00-11:20

Management of ACLF in the context of liver transplantation

Didier SAMUEL Hospital Paul Brousse, APHP, Centre Hepato Biliaire
11:20-11:30 11:20-11:30

Panel Discussion

11:30-11:45 (UTC+8) 11:30-11:45 Local Time | Break
13:45-15:15 (UTC+8) 13:45-15:15 Local Time | Concurrent Session 15 - Sepsis and Liver Support [Concurrent Session]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
13:45-14:05 13:45-14:05

Algorithms for managing MDR infections in liver ICU

Rakhi Maiwall Institute Of Liver And Biliary Sciences
14:05-14:25 14:05-14:25

Mesenchymal stem cells therapies for Covid-19: from bench to bedside

Bingliang LIN The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University
14:25-14:45 14:25-14:45

Progress in diagnosis and treatment of sepsis-related cholestatic liver disease

Ke MA Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
14:45-15:05 14:45-15:05

ACLF and organ support

Yu CHEN Beijing Youan Hospital, Capital Medical University
15:05-15:15 15:05-15:15

Panel Discussion

15:15-15:30 (UTC+8) 15:15-15:30 Local Time | Break
17:00-18:30 (UTC+8) 17:00-18:30 Local Time | Concurrent Session 18 - HCC and Transplant [Concurrent Session]
Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
17:00-17:20 17:00-17:20

HCC: Who to transplant?

Saeed S. HAMID Aga Khan University,Karachi
17:20-17:40 17:20-17:40

Biliary complications due to living donor liver transplantation

A. Kadir DOKMECI Liver Transplantation Center, Ankara University
17:40-18:00 17:40-18:00

HCC risk and surveillance in patients with cirrhosis

Mindie H. NGUYEN Stanford University Medical Center
18:00-18:20 18:00-18:20

Prevention of HBV-related HCC through antiviral treatment

Jinlin HOU Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University
18:20-18:30 18:20-18:30

Panel Discussion